Saturday, October 24, 2009

How to organize a portfolio

Papers, papers, papers. Students often feel overwhelmed by the number of papers they receive from their teachers and it may seem that throwing them in the boot of their car is the best solution. However, it is actually quite easy to organize your class notes into a neat portfolio. Let me outline the steps.

First, find all your papers. You can look for missing papers on the HD1 website. You can also ask a friend and photocopy his papers. Second, sort your papers into logical divisions e.g. reading, writing and listening. Next, put your papers into the different sections. After that, buy a binder and some coloured dividers. Write section headings for the dividers and match them with a table of contents page. Finally, make a label for the side of the binder. Include important information e.g. class code, name etc.

As we have seen it is easy to make a portfolio. You will be proud of your neat, well-organized work.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009


Making a cup of tea is quite long producer if you are doing it for the first time. You have to follow these steps to get a tasty cup of tea.
First of all, you have to switch the kettle on. After that, keep the water in the kettle until it’s boiled. Next, you have to stir the boiled water, after that, you have to pour the boiled water in to the tea pot. Then, put the tea bags or tea leaves, which ever you like, into the tea pot. Pour the tea into the tea cup. Finally, add the milk and sugar to the teacup and stir it and enjoy a fresh cup of tea.
As you can see, making a cup of tea is not a difficult procedure if you follow these steps.
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How to make butter

Making butter is quite long and difficult procedure and you need to follow all the steps very carefully. If you do so you will produce high quality butter.
First of all, check the milk quality and fat content to be sure that it is the best you can get to make butter. Next, leave the milk until it is cold. Then take the cream and stir it well. So, it will be ready to drain the buttermilk from the butter. After that, take the butter and keep it in a jar. Then, take out the residual buttermilk by washing it with cold water. Add a squirt of salt to give a good flavor for the butter. After that, the butter will be ready. Cut it and package it and try to put it in a fridge to keep it cold.
Finally, if you do all this steps you will get high quality, pure butter and you will enjoy it.
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My Best Holiday

In this New Year 2009 I went with my friends to Al Bedayer in Dubai for camping in the desert. I am going to write about what we did and how we enjoyed our time there.

First of all, I went with my elder brother by my car which is a Land Cruiser and I put my motor bike on my trailer and I connected the trailer to my car. When we arrived there all my friends were waiting for us. We sat together and talked about how to spend our time. Next day we went with 10 motorbikes in the afternoon and crossed over the sands and we went 50km inside the desert. We came back at 7:00 am. After that, we calibrated our time together, doing B.B.Q. and playing volley ball. Some of us were Keen on singing and they sang until 3:00am.

Next day every one prepared himself to go back home. It was wonderful days in my life. We are deciding to do it again in 2010.

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